Concept Design & Operations Strategy
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Design Concept & Operations Strategy services include
Property Concept Design & Proposal
Business Plan
Commercial Plan (Sales & Marketing Consulting)
Operations Design
HR & Procurement Consulting
Post Opening Services and Audits
  • A concept that truly stands out, offers more than just a bed. Hospitality is about people and experiences. It needs to connect with the guests on an emotional level. This is a challenge that if played right, it not only boosts customer loyalty and retention, but also acts as “free” publicity and social media exposure.
  • In-depth industry knowledge and insight. We ensure that the design and architecture is well aligned with the actual business and translate into feasible and efficient operations.
  • Focusing on the unique selling points of your property, our expert team will develop a customized and creative strategic hotel opening plan that will ultimately make the property stand out from competition.
  • Increasing Profits, decreasing costs and driving a price premium in the market are key success factors when considering the value of a business. We craft together the right budget and rate plan strategy, pricing tactics and strategic distribution in order to maximize the property’s revenue as well as your guests’ potential revenue spending.
  • Enhancing procurement is a powerful way to stay innovative and competitive in a world where the supply chain is so critical to the customer proposition. In an industry where differentiation is key, it’s critical to understand and delight the customer as well as react quickly to changing demands while making sure that your procurement strategy meets the property’s objectives.
  • Human Resources doesn’t just affect staff and management but plays an essential role in reinforcing the structure and culture of the business. Designing and implementing HR best practices offers a wide range of benefits including increased customer satisfaction, employee loyalty and retention, improved reputation and boost confidence and morale.